In these most challenging times our Heavenly Father has granted our local church and our community a special grace in the form of a retreat focusing on the Healing of the Whole Person.
Those of us who have been journeying with the Holy Spirit for a while, may have been initially tempted (as I was) to think: “I’ve done this. I’ve dealt with my wounds and my sins. I’ve been prayed with for healing of memories and deliverance.” As I prayed to remain open to whatever the Lord wanted to do with me, this resistance to re-visit the ongoing consequences of past sins and wounds was gently removed. I was reminded that I still struggle with the negative ways they had formed my character and produced the weakness I experience in the face of temptations. Hearing that “healing is an ongoing (I stress on-going) encounter with the love of God” and placing myself under His tender gaze I was able to once again witness the truth being proclaimed that our sins and our wounds do not define who we are. The Father sees us in our wholeness and desires to bring us to completeness in Him.
The Father sees us in our wholeness and desires to bring us to completeness in Him.
I was deeply moved by St. Pope Benedict’s quote: “Healing is an essential dimension of the apostolic mission and of Christianity and when understood at a sufficiently deep level this expresses the entire content of Redemption.” Recalling this truth confirms our mission of being a people of prayer and evangelization and healing is an aspect of both!
Despite the large number of participants, I found the retreat to be extremely personal. I came away with the blessed assurance that “He who began this good work in you (and me) will bring it to completion on the Day of Christ Jesus.” Phil 1:6 - Carol, Anchor member
We are grateful to Dennis Dalelio for providing these retreat photos.