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Daughters of Hope - Spring/Summer Update

Writer's picture: People of Hope CreativePeople of Hope Creative


-Matthew 18:20

Norma Provinsal

The Daughters of Hope completed our 2019 "Season" with a lovely summer picnic lunch hosted by Mary Kelly Quense at her charming outside cafe.  As you see from our "summer hats and sunglasses" our ladies enjoyed the beautiful day the Lord provided as well as delicious food, POH jeopardy and musical games.  We also had the opportunity to honor our team for their loving and kind service to our dear sisters. They include: Mary K. Quense, Susan Minogue, Diane Tomasello, Clara Bickel, Kathy Garcia and Debbie and Hannah Floyd. Thanks, sisters --- your TLC is amazing!

Our year together also included the annual visit with the Sisters of Jesus Our Hope where we shared lunch, prayer, a Mary Crowning, a festive sing along and Easter Glories.  Great spring adventure!  In March we shared Mass together at St. Vincent's and hosted an evangelistic breakfast where we were blessed to have as our guest speaker, Brother Jude Lasota. His word to us was inspiring, challenging and holy as we walked Lent together. In addition his Mom Clare stories were both hilarious and inspiring! Thanks again Brother Jude!

In February we thanked the Lord for our country as well as PRAYING for our country. We rejoiced with Emma Militante and Irma McCabe as they shared their becoming United States citizens. Patriotic music filled our time along with red white and blue treats.  It was a grand and grateful day.

Three get togethers in late 2018 found us celebrating birthdays, recalling our favorite birthday memories as well as giving thanks for life and being Baptized Women! 

The Daughters initiated a small "Angels of Mercy" effort where we have tried to visit some of our sisters who aren't able to come out to our regularly planned moments.  We greeted Rose Molnar, Jane Calarco, Irma McCabe, Wendy Hoffman and Eleanor Benson.

Please know as we spend time with one another in this POH "system of loving one another" we pray for each of YOU and YOUR Families plus our beloved POH. 

All in all we have had a blessed "season" and look forward to gathering again in October.   

Have a blessed summer Brothers and Sisters. 

With our love and prayers,   

The Daughters of Hope

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