Kairos and the Adventure Guide Program would like to say a heartfelt Thank You! too our brothers and sisters in the People of Hope. The two young women on this trip, Krisanne (from Toronto) and Jane (from Minnesota/Florida/Texas), are serving as Adventure Guides. They chose to use their Summer after graduation to live an intense lifestyle of mission by becoming junior staff for the Kairos Summer Trips! We were so blessed by your generosity in hosting us for our trip to New Jersey in June. You made it possible for us to serve with the CFR brothers at the St. Anthony Shelter in the Bronx, have an outdoor adventure in the beauty of the Delaware River Gap, and be inspired by interacting with your local mission at Koinonia Academy, helping prepare for the new building next year! It was also a joy to share in the Compass volleyball event and the Women’s Night at the Molnars’ (definitely inspiring for me and the 19 year old Guides who got to see into what the next step of community mission could look like for them).
One of Kairos’ goals is to awaken venturesome Faith in our youth. Serving those in most need and being challenged by excursions in God’s creation are great ways to awaken the soul to God’s power and invite us into His active love. But, something on this trip was even more impactful than those for inspiring these young women to live radical lives for Christ Jesus. That something was the witness of your lives - the living, personal example of individual disciples who have chosen to give their lives fully to Christ alongside one another in the People of Hope. Your testimonies over dinner and the way you loved us so well made a huge impact!
Please, pray for us as we continue with the coming Kairos Trips! The Summit Trip takes us to Northern Tennessee and serves as a challenge to 11th graders to give their futures fully to God and to also consider whether the Sword of the Spirit is where God is inviting them to be on mission long-term. Later, we will head to the Sylvania wilderness to canoe and camp with 7th and 8th graders. We will all be pushed to serve one another well and build deep friendships with sisters-in-Christ from different local communities. The final trip is for The Adventure Guides in Grand Rapids where the young Light of Christ Community is in formation. They will serve the families there, eat dinner and celebrate the Lord’s Day with them, and attend their prayer meeting. This is a wonderful opportunity for the Guides to get a vision for starting and building a new Sword of the Spirit community. It will also be a great gift to the Light of Christ by giving them a broader vision of the Sword of the Spirit through the witness of our Guides (who are from communities in Minnesota/Florida and Toronto). Thank you again so much for your hospitality and witness! We hope to see you again soon!
This article is the continuation of a new bulletin series which will seek to highlight the many ministries and communities around the world which we are blessed to call friends.
If you are interested in learning more about the Kairos North America,
visit their page at kairos-na.org/