2025 Conference
people of hope
Extraordinary Love
Extraordinary Love –
Opening our Hearts to Mission
Saturday, February 15, 2025
“With God we shall do bravely.”
Psalm 60:12
The community conference is a unique, annual event for committed members to come together, seek the Lord and focus on a particular area or aspect of our covenant life. Therefore, please make every effort to attend this important committed time together

With 25+ years of ministry experience with college students and young adults, Ryan O’Hara continues to serve the Church across the country through speaking, consulting, and podcasting. A trusted and sought after preacher and teacher he has spoken to thousands of people around the world. Ryan is passionate about seeing Catholics center their lives on Jesus Christ and become disciples who generously live and share their faith with others. He has a B.A. in History from William Jewell College and an M.A. in Theology from the University of Notre Dame. Ryan and his wife Jill live in West St Paul, MN, and are parents to four teenage and young adult sons.
Featuring our guest speaker
You can read more about Ryan at ryanohara.org

8:30 am: Optional Mass
9:45 am: First Session begins
12:15 pm: Lunch (BYO lunch)
3:30 pm: Day End
Lord's Days in Homes
SATURDAY DAY SESSION (9:45am - 3:30pm):
There will be an optional Mass as 8:30 am followed by coffee and a light snack. Please eat breakfast before arriving. The opening of the conference begins at 9:45 am and we will end our day sessions at 3:30 pm. Coffee and snacks will be provided during our morning break. Please bring a bag lunch – beverages will be provided. Conference sessions will be live-streamed for those who are unable to attend (more details to come).
On Saturday evening the entire community will be celebrating Lord's Day together like our usual community wide Lord's Days. The Lord's Days will be coordinated in advance and the hosts will be reached so they can invite their guests. Please indicate in the form below if you are able to participate in Lord's Day as well as if you are able to host. We particularly encourage our brothers and sisters in Anchor to host if possible as a service to those with young children to care for on Saturday.
Still have questions? Email Maeve for more details: